Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fair & Lovely Ki Jai, Vivel Ki Jai, Fairness Cream Ki Jai

While I wouldn't go so far as to suggest that "fairness" creams should be banned. I would certainly like to see all advertisements that promote "fairness" be banned. Some of these ads are so insulting! I often wonder, how the women, in a country where the majority are dark-skinned, tolerate such insults that suggest that to be desireable and successful, you need to be fair. And what's more disgusting is that now there are ads for "fairness" creams for men! And there are "men" (really?) who go out and buy them! Jesus H. Christ!!!!!

I sometimes wonder why Indians are so colour conscious. Is it becasue of our colonial past? Or is our history? It's true that through milleniums the country has been over-run by fair-skinned people -- the Aryans, the Arabs and then the Europeans. So maybe subconsciously "superiority" has come to be associated with "fairness".

This is really sad as the majority of Indians are dark and devastatingly beautiful. Ask any enlightened westerner and they'll tell you so. And I make this suggestion quite deliberately. As Indians we seem to accept what "firangis" have to say rather than use our own intelligence!

Where would Ravi Shankar, the musician  (or Indian classical music) be had it not been for George Harrison? And where would Ravi Shankar, the AOL Guru be (or yoga and meditation) had it not been for the fact that the Beatles discovered Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transcendental Meditation?

So, my dear Great White Friends, if you are reading this blog, please go out of your way to tell us Indians how wonderful we look even though we are not "fair" -- skin colour as well as dealing with others! It's the only way we can fight the onslaught of "fairness" cream ad invasions that will convince us Indians, except the Punjabis and Kashmiris (I'm only refering to only those who think they are Indian) that we need to invest more in "fairness creams" and not education to succeed in life.

1 comment:

  1. Jijiji, how stupid human can be.

    We Spaniards (although being the darkest among European), like most Western "white" people, go to the beach -and even lye under a lamp for hours- to get a tan!

    By the way, I understand FAIR means also clean, bonny (BONITO in Spanish!), right, just, reasonable... (all "nice"), from what we could infer the opposite for not fair (unfair?)people!

    I'm usually attracted to dark people, I think because my love for atavism, the primary instincs -which is also racism in a way...

    FAIR is also a travelling show, a bazaar, an exhibition.. may be you could work this idea.

    See you, unfair
