Monday, April 25, 2011

Clueless in Calcutta

So, I'm back in Kolkata. This wasn't planned. I got a call  from Mitali  saying the eye doctor would see me  today and I have to undergo a few tests before that and so I just had a couple of hours to book my ticket, have a shower and pack and  lock up the house in Bolpur. And here I am, back in Kolkata.

The moment I walked in I got the bad news that Raj has not  got the promised raise. I sent Vijay a message immediately. He called back later to explain to me that even if Raj hadn't got the promised raise, he would be getting performance pay of Rs 1 Lakh plus and that would in effect be a raise. I hope he is right. We can only wait and see. But I do appreciate the fact he called back. He didn't have to. He has done me a huge favour by giving Raj a job. So I was out of line in even messaging him. But I just can't stand unfairness in any form. And to me, Raj not getting a raise seemed unfair.

But Vijay took the opportunity to inform me that I wouldn't be getting the NSUI job. Well, it doesn't matter really and in a way I am relieved.  But what's pissing me off is that he dragged me into it despite my reluctance, announced to the whole world about it, gave me a pep-talk to convince me to  take up the offer and now tells me that it's not coming through! And just when  I psyched myself up to do what he wanted me to do!

Anyway, whatever happens, happens for the best. At the  moment, I'm relieved, disappointed and clueless as to what my next step  should  be. Only time will tell.

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