Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Set Up

This is the "porno-kuteer" where I live almost like a sadhu. When I am not teaching or doing yoga at Baba's temple, I spend my time on the veranda that you see. Next to the cupboard, which contains office papers, is a metal box covered with a rug. That's my dog, Bruni's bed. She's very upset with this arrangement because she is used to a proper 3x6 cot with a mattress and a quilt. She gives me dirty looks every time she gets up on her bed.

This is my work table. You can see a portion of my bed in the foreground. This bed shifts around quite a bit. When it is hot, then it is closer to the edge of the veranda. When it rains, it moves closer to Bruni's bed. The table too is "portable". It moves according to my moods. Sometimes even outdoors! Today it is where you see it now.
That's my bed and the room beyond is rarely used. It serves mostly as a guest room if I have guests. It's a very rare occurence. Sometimes when it's too cold outside or the rain is sweeping through the veranda, I sleep indoors. I prefer not to. I feel positively claustrophobic. If I do sleep indoors I need to keep the doors and windows open.
This is the meditation corner. I sit here and meditate in the evenings and if time permits, in the mornings too. At times, I also meditate at Baba's temple. This place is used when it rains or in the evenings when the mosquitoes make it impossible to sit at the temple.
This is what I saw at dawn this morning!

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